
Opinion essay: ''The Wall''

In my opinion , if Donald Trump do the wall, he can start a conflict very dangerous and important, because the another people think he was an racist, but I think he do the wall because he yes is racist, but this have thing goods too, for example, he want to chase out the all of type of criminals, mexican or american or any another of the another site of the world. But he don't can separe a lot of familys wen this familys do nothing bad or another case if he want do this wall, I don't understand why are the mexicans pay for this, went he is who want do it. And he spend a lot of money of the mexicans people and don't use this money with another things more important in America, for example, the poverty. If that thing happen, Trump can create a conflcit with the americans and this sucess is not favorable for he, but I think this don't interest to Donald. In conclusion Is that thing happen I'm not sure if such a things happens, and I think what Trump can do the th...

Activity class 17/11/17

HOW MANY PEOPLE CAN OUR PLANET REALLY SUPPORT? The news talk about the overpopulation what talk the politicians about the futur of the planet. But the text say what this is false, the overpopulation is not the problem about the planet, the planet is so big but the resources not too much. And a lot of investigators for the enviroment and development talk about this ''problem'' for someone people. Also speak about the investigation of the overpopulation for the future and the problem is not how many people are in the people , the problem is the number of consumers , the scale and the contamination of the nature and the places with many ingress can save us, because don't have a lot of CO2. Copenhagen is the capital with high- income nation while Porto Alegre is in upper-middle and the level of live is high but the cities emissions are lower. Basically the big cities produce more contamination and the solution is change the perspective of who is responsable about the ...

Activity class, day 10/11/2017

The new talks about one deal between another unites for change the climate change for first time in the history. But in the Kyoto Protocol(1997) US pulled up of this protocol between another countries, but someone scientists say what have to intensificate the acord of Paris for stop the dangerous climatic change. And speak about elements for follow for reduce the global temperature, for example, reduce de greenhouse gases, the rich countries help the poor countries for adapt to the climatic change and the change of energy. Also speak what this agreement favour to the islands, countries little developed,etc. But this agreement are too late but they say this can to start for the next century , and some people say what this project don't resolve nothing ,but yes for equalize the two sides. But the money is one very important problem and very difficult to negotiate, but is very important for change the fossil combustible for get energy renobable. And the money are fivide up for the cou...

Opinion essay

Do you agree with the eutanasia? I'm going to talk about the eutanasia, because is one theme very intersting since you can choose if you want live or die. And explain my opinion about this. The eutanasia is the action accelerate the death of one terminal patient, having your consent, with the intention avoid the suffering and the pain, and this practice is not possible in all countries, only a few of them. And in my opinion the eutanasia is not really bad, in this world all of the persons are free to choose what they want , in my viwe anybody can choose if you live or if you die, because everybody have your rights. As I see it , if you can decide finish with your pain and suffering, are in totaly free for did it and it is very easy for all, if you want the eutanasia, you did it, and if you don't want, don't did it. It is a fact that some countries every time accept more the eutanasia , especially for the respect of the people what only want to do is choose the correct fo...

Talkin' Bout A Revolution

LYRICS Don't you know They're talkin' bout a revolution It sounds like a whisper Don't you know They're talkin' about a revolution It sounds like a whisper While they're standing in the welfare lines Crying at the doorsteps of those armies of salvation Wasting time in the unemployment lines Sitting around waiting for a promotion Poor people gonna rise up And get their share Poor people gonna rise up And take what's theirs Don't you know You better run, run, run... Oh I said you better Run, run, run... Finally the tables are starting to turn Talkin' bout a revolution MEANING OF THE SONG  The song talks about one revolution what is coming in secret and says that people flee because the poor are going to revolutionize and says taht things are going to change.


This year was the most I like of the ESO, because I was back with my old friends and I strenghtened my relation with them. At first I was angry because I was not with my friends of the last year, but as time goes I very grateful, because was a year with very experiencies, laughs , feelings and is better if you are with good company. I had some problems with any friends but it does not matter because they have made me see who is by my side. I was very comfortable with him and wiht the teachers because I know him of the anohthers years, except Ignasi and onther teacher, but basically I was very good in class. Sincerely I'm going to throw them and I hope to meet with the class in the summer or in a future. Talking about my academy perfomance I excepted more of me , take more good marks and work more, but is always the same, makes me lazy all , and I don't like it because next year I go to the bach and I have a little fear if I don't work more and I don't left the things ...

All of me.

My mom is the most important of my life, she is my pillar , my bestfriend, my dad, my all. Is incredible how can you come to love a person and have all the confiance of the world, I explain all to my mother because she helps me with all what happening to me and always she try to give me everything I need and I really appreciate it, I try to give it back to us always because she deserves it. She's the strongest person I've ever met, everything that has fought for me and what continues fightint I would not hold it back. For me my mother is the most wonderful person in the world and I hope I never lost her.Always I try to help she with the home or my sister but I know what I sometimes I odn't do it but I was to help more. The words are littles for explain what I feel of my mother and stars in the sky for tell the number what I love her. Is essential for me. I hope she was with me a lot of time and although someday I have t leave of home I know she was there with me whatever ha...